Background of the antigen
Clathrin-coated pits and vesicles are assembled for receptor-mediated endocytosis through interaction with Clathrin associated protein complexes. Vesicle transport is mediated from the trans-Golgi network by the adapter complex AP-1 and from the plasma membrane by the AP-2 complex. The AP-1 and AP-2 adapter protein complexes consist of Clathrin binding Adaptin proteins (g and b1 for AP-1, a and b2 for AP-2) and two smaller subunits known as AP50 and AP17. The a and b Adaptin chains have a similar two-domain organization with C-terminal domains that vary in both sequence and length. a-Adaptin splice variants A and C display variable relative expression levels and differential distribution in different tissues. AP-3 (also designated AP180 or F1-20) is a synapse-specific Clathrin assembly protein. The protein CALM (Clathrin assembly protein lymphoid myeloid leukemia) is highly homologous to AP180 and may also be involved in Clathrin assembly.