Background of the antigen
Oligodendrocyte Marker The classic group of Myelin basic protein (MBP) isoforms (isoforms 4 to 14) are with PLP the most abundant protein components of the myelin membrane in the CNS. They have a role in both its formation and stabilization. The smaller isoforms might have an important role in remyelination of denuded axons in multiple sclerosis. The non classic group of MBP isoforms (isoforms 1 to 3/Golli MBPs) may preferentially have a role in the early developing brain long before myelination, maybe as components of transcriptional complexes, and may also be involved in signaling pathways in T cells and neural cells. Differential splicing events combined to optional posttranslational modifications give a wide spectrum of isomers, each of them having maybe a specialized function.