Background of the antigen
The sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporters (SNAT) of the SLC38 gene family include System A subtypes SNAT1, SNAT2 and SNAT4 and System N subtypes SNAT3 and SNAT5. The SLC38 transporters are essential for the uptake of nutrients, energy production, metabolism, detoxification, and the cycling of neurotransmitters. SNAT2, also designated ATA2, PRO1068 and SAT2 is encoded by the human gene SLC38A2. The functional role of SNAT2 in the nervous system is unclear. Protein expression is notably enriched in the spinal cord and brain stem nuclei of the auditory system. System A transport proteins are also present in placental tissue. These SNAT proteins may play a significant role in fetal development and inhibition of the transport system has been associated with fetal growth retardation.