Background of the antigen
Golgin 245 is also known as p230, GCP2, GOLG or golgi autoantigen and is a 2,230 amino acid protein that is expressed as three isoforms. Golgin 245 is localized to the cytoplasm in cells and is a member of the golgin family, all of which are peripheral membrane proteins associated with the Golgi complex. Golgin 245 has a carboxyl-terminal GRIP domain, which attaches to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and TGN-derived vesicles. It is thought that the interaction that takes place between golgin 245 and MACF1, which cross-links microtubules to the Actin cytoskeleton, allows proteins to be transported from the TGN to the cell periphery. against golgin 245 are associated with two chronic disorders known as Sjé°ƒren's syndrome and Hepatitis B.